oznámili název své další desky, jenž zní "Scarsick". Nahrávat se bude v nejbližších měsících a k dostání bude na přelomu roku. Daniel Gildenlöw slibuje materiál s přívlastkem „much more band-oriented and down to the core“ a chlubí se fragmentem  coverartworku. Má-li někdo zájem o volný post basáka, může se začíst do požadavků:
The premises:
1. You are a very, very good bass player that masters slapping/tapping/finger/pick on both fretted and fretless 6-string basses.
2. You are a fast learner with a very good ear.
3. You have a good voice with a decent range and are used to singing harmonies.
4. You are driven and responsible and can learn the earlier albums basically on your own.
5. You live in Sweden, or maybe you are so rich that you can take a private jet there two or three times a week. In any case, there will basically be rehearsals that often, and you need to be able to be there somehow.
6. You are a nice girl or a boy of say 20-35 that loves music in many forms.
7. You don't do drugs, and you are very restrictive with alcohol (never a drop before a show).

The bonuses:
8. You feel at home on stage and can spend tons of energy without having your playing suffer.
9. You have a driver's license.
10. You take an interest in world issues and politics. You probably think that Gandhi's march for salt or his burning of passports were braver political actions than Bush's war on terror.
11. You look cool.

Zase nic pro Straye, neboť mírně pokulhává v bodě č. 11.


Zveřejněno: Čtvrtek, 2. března 2006

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