Něco nového z tábora SATYRICON:

Satyr: "The recording is coming to an end. Next week will be the last before the mix. Finally some light at the end of the tunnel after almost four months of recording! Right now I am just looking forward to share this with you and see what you think. It will be a while though, but it will be worth it. I am sure."

"To me, it sounds very authentic, it's organic-sounding. And in this digital age where music is mostly played through computers, a lot of that analog vibe gets lost in translation when you play music through medias like that, but I still wanna do it because there's nothing quite like it. To me, it just makes everything sound the way it's supposed to sound — it's dynamical; the music is alive, it's not overly compressed, the levels are not pushed. So, musically speaking, it's a very atmospheric record… This record is full of life. There are a lot of surprises here, but I think it's gonna be a record that's gonna help the black metal movement perhaps find a new way for the future."


Zveřejněno: Pondělí, 20. května 2013

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