Doommetalové veľdielo, tak opisuje Robin Bergh chystaný album znovu oživených OCTOBER TIDE. Čakanie na jeho vydanie vám možno skráti recenzia zatiaľ posledného počinu "A Thin Shell" (recenzia).


Robin Bergh: "We are extremely pleased to sign with Pulverised Records for the next album and beyond. During the negotiations for the new deal we noticed that Roy, Calvin and the entire Pulverised crew were seriously thrilled about the band and the art we create, hence we are confident that this doomish union will bring October Tide to the next level. Our new strong line-up feels utterly satisfying and we are more than ready for the future to come. We are currently finishing up the writing process for the yet untitled fourth full-length which will be recorded during May and June at Black Lounge Studio with Mr. Jonas Kjellgren behind the knobs. This upcoming October Tide recording will surely be a deadly doom metal masterpiece, you mark my words!"


Zveřejněno: Pondělí, 9. dubna 2012

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OCTOBER TIDE - chystají reedici debutu "Rain Without End". Album vyjde remasterované a s novým artworkem. ... [Pátek, 14. prosince 2007]

Vyhledat OCTOBER TIDE na webu Metalopolis