GORGUTS rušia všetky letné vystúpenia, takže ich zrejme neuvidíte ani na festivale Brutal Assault. Dôvodom sú vyjednávania s vydavateľstvom.

Luc Lemay: "First, I would like to apologize for this cancellation to your event and for any problems this could encouter in the process of setting up your festival. This decision was not easy to take. After many meetings and good faith to make this situation constructive for the band I came up choosing the option of not participating to any festival this Summer.

The whole idea about Gorguts doing a European Summer festivals tour was born last year with having in mind the release of our new record for the beginning of the Summer. But believe me, we were expecting our record deal to be negociated and agreed on before Christmas or at the beginning of 2011. But as I’m writting this letter, I was not able to sign the contract yet with our record company.

As you know, these procedures can take proportions that we don’t expect and then compromising all the activities around the band. So by not having a record coming out this Summer, with no strong promotion from a label to push our new record, I’ve decided to wait until these parts of the puzzle get solved before hitting the road again with my new band.

Don’t get me wrong, I sincerely appreciate the fact that each of you were interested in Gorguts for your festival but it will be all for the better when the new record will be release."


Zveřejněno: 12. dubna 2011

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