Paul Stenning, autor biografií GUNS N' ROSES  "The Band That Time Forgot",  AC/DC book "Two Sides to Every Glory" a IRON MAIDEN "30 Years of the Beast - The Complete Biography 1976-2006", komentuje tragický skon Jona  Nödtveidta:
"Many of you probably don't even know of the band DISSECTION, much less the fact leader Jon Nödtveidt recently took his own life in a very unexpected move...But for those that do know of them, or are just curious I want to let you know I will be writing an obituary/retrospective type piece for Metal Maniacs, about Jon's life, the meaning of his existence/final days and the last DISSECTION album.

For me, 'Reinkaos' is album of the year by a long way already, and listening to it now it carries even more weight knowing that this was the album Jon felt was substantial enough to end DISSECTION. Some were disappointed I know, but listen again and think — if you can — that maybe he knew what he was going to do already. The album is a glorious epic and fitting to a misunderstood life. I won't go into too much here as I will be putting everything into words for the MM piece, but I hope you will all read it and in the meantime check out the band again and try and understand this was a misunderstood soul who deserves respect now as he never had while he was here..."

Americký promotér DISSECTION Jim Mills zveřejnil dosud nepublikované interview s Jonem.


Zveřejněno: Pátek, 25. srpna 2006

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Vyhledat DISSECTION na webu Metalopolis