Přestože se božský Alexi Laiho (® Louža) a laponská zpěvačka Kimberly Goss rozešli, jejich společná kapela SINERGY existuje dál. Koncem roku se kapela chystá vydat nové album „Sins of the Past“ u Nuclear Blast Records.
Kimberly Goss se k novému albu vyjádřila:

„SINERGY does indeed still exist, though the absence of our website and having only played two gigs in the past six months may lead people to believe otherwise.

Our fourth album will be called 'Sins of the Past'. We started recording drums and bass in June of last year at Finnvox Studios, and have continued recording the rest of it at Beyond Abilities Studios (the studio of Janne Wirman from CHILDREN OF BODOM). However, we've had to record the album in separate sections due to CHILDREN OF BODOM's busy touring schedule last year. We've sometimes had to take several months off in between recording.

Alexi just got his cast off last week [after suffering a broken arm in a fall in December], but still needs to wear a brace for another few weeks. He's able to play guitar now, but we're gonna wait until he's 100 percent recovered before he finishes his leads on the album. In the meantime, myself and Roope have been busy recording our parts. The album will then be mixed and mastered at Finnvox when the recording is finished.

All I can say is that we are hopeful that the album will be released sometime this year. We'll have a new website up once the artwork for the new album is finished.“


Zveřejněno: Středa, 9. února 2005

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