Niklas Kvarforth vydá knížku textů SHINING pojmenovanou "When Prozac No Longer Helps". Všechny texty budou přeloženy do angličtiny a první paperbackové vydání bude ručně očíslováno autorovou krví. Za požadovaných 26 euro to jistě bude stát. Objednávejte ZDE.

“Far too long I’ve been pestered each and every day by people from all around this disgusting planet asking if I can translate this or that lyric into English. Up till a few months ago this seemed to be an impossible task due to the poetic style I use when writing Swedish. However, after several months of frustration I put something truly horrific together and was so pleased with the result that I decided to collect them all and publish them in the form of a book.

“I don’t think many of you are truly interested in reading these even though you say you are. As we all know, it is “true” to state you really do care about the lyrics of a band like SHINING, but that’s probably the only reason you say so. However, I might be proven wrong. And to anyone bitching about the high price, well, it cost tons of money to print a fine edition in such a low quantity, and I am certainly not into charity.”


Zveřejněno: Čtvrtek, 8. listopadu 2012

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