Bubeník Craig Nielsen vysvětluje důvody zrušení evropského turné:

"Just checking in to explain the European tour cancellation, as the agents who I expected to give a reason in their press release apparently failed to do so.

[Eric] A.K. [vocals] applied some time ago, long before the tour was being put together, for acceptance into a helicopter flight training academy in Arizona. He wants to be a helicopter firefighter which is an amazing career goal at this point in his life. Ambition does not begin to describe the scope of this undertaking. There is an extreme amount of study, determination, commitment, concentration and BALLS that are required to make it through the education. The thing was, nobody really thought he would be approved for the very large loan for the enrollment. Fortunately for him, he was, although somewhat after the dates in Europe were being finalized.

The band very much regrets having to postpone this tour. The Bang Your Head festival three months ago was a GREAT time for this band and we really were ready to take Europe by storm on this November tour. The band will definitely attempt to reschedule as soon as school for A.K. winds down. The band sincerely apologizes to EVERY single person who was involved with attempting tomake this happen, and of course, most of all to all of our fans that were disappointed with the latest news. The band has nothing but love for ALL OF YOU!!"


Zveřejněno: Úterý, 26. září 2006

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