mají hotovu DVD kolekci s názvem  „Hell On Earth IV“. Datum vydání zatím nebylo sděleno, obsah bude takový:
Main Disc:
* Highlights of the entire 2002 "Warriors of the World" tour
* 1 hour and 30 minutes of main program
* 6 bonus songs equaling 30 minutes of additional material
* 11 full live songs
* Subtitles in 12 languages (Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish)
* 5.1 surround sound mix
* Private behind the scenes footage
* A true visual tribute to the fans
* Highlighting concerts in 35 cities throughout Europe
* Shot with 70 camera angles
* Commentary track with all band members
* Director Neil Johnson"s commentary track
* Personal commentary track by Joey DeMaio
* New artwork by fantasy art legend Ken Kelly

Bonus Disc:
* 1 hour of behind the scenes footage
* 1 hour of complete TV shows featuring MANOWAR (incl. "TV-Total", Olli Pocher, VIVA Comet and Popkomm Gala)
* Special commentary track featuring director Neil Johnson and Joey DeMaio
* Subtitles in 12 languages (Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish)
* 30-minute hidden easter egg with special commentary track by editor and director

Audio Disc:
* Contains brand new audio track by MANOWAR (taken from their forthcoming album)


Zveřejněno: Pondělí, 11. dubna 2005

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