Frontman Seth Putnam zomrel na zlyhanie srdca.


Kelly: "Yes, it"s true. Seth Putnam, one of the most infamous musicians that extreme metal has ever seen, the grindcore GG Allin, has passed away due to a heart attack.

I handled all the promotion for Anal Cunt"s last album, Fuckin" A, and Seth was always happy to oblige any request I sent his way. The band had been working on a new album before his passing, so chances are his musical career"s epitaph has yet to be inscribed.

I want to remind everyone that no matter how outrageous and controversial his musical career has been, Seth was still a human being with friends and family that loved him. I"m hoping that the Internet will remember that. This is a very sad and trying time for those that knew him, and the last thing they need to see is an outpouring of message board hate. The man lived and died by his own rules; if anything, respect him for that."


Zveřejněno: Neděle, 12. června 2011

Poslední novinky související s ANAL CUNT

ANAL CUNT - Do kapely se vrací bubeník Nate Linehan. ... [Pondělí, 26. června 2006]
ANAL CUNT - Kapelu opouští kytarista John Kozik a bubeník John Gillis. Ke kytaře se vrací Josh Martin... ... [Pátek, 2. června 2006]
ANAL CUNT - Frontman Seth Putnam se konečně vylízal z vážných zdravotních problémů a  jeho stav je nyní tak dobrý... ... [Čtvrtek, 8. prosince 2005]
ANAL CUNT - Seth Putnam před rokem přežil vlastní smrt a se svými zážitky se svěřuje v písni „You're In a Coma“... ... [Sobota, 15. října 2005]
ANAL CUNT - Frontman Seth Putnam se stále zotavuje ze zdravotních potíží, které ho sužují od loňského roku (viz starší news). ... [Pátek, 17. června 2005]

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