Zack de la Rocha bojuje proti arizonskému imigračnému zákonu. K protestu sa pripojili aj RISE AGAINST, Serj Tankian, Joe Satriani, CYPRESS HILL (tí už zrušili všetky svoje arizonské koncerty), Kanye West, SONIC YOUTH a Michael Moore.

Arizonský zákon SB1070 vyžaduje od miestnych autorít, aby určili imigračný status človeka, ak je podozrivý z toho, že nemá potrebné dokumenty. Kritici vravia, že by to mohlo viesť k rasovému profilovaniu alebo prehliadkam odporujúcim ústave.

Zack de la Rocha: "Fans of our music, our stories, our films and our words can be pulled over and harassed every day because they are brown or black, or for the way they speak, or for the music they listen to. People who are poor like some of us used to be could be forced to live in a constant state of fear while just doing what they can to find work and survive. This law opens the door for them to be shaked down, or even worse, detained and deported while just trying to travel home from work, or when they just roll out with their friends."


Zveřejněno: Pátek, 28. května 2010

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