komentují aktuální dění kolem své kapely ústy svého frontmana takto:  "Being a hero is easy, you just have to win the Eurovision Song Contest apparently. Until a few weeks ago the whole nation was against us totally — they did not want us to represent Finland! They claimed we were Satan worshippers. It didn't matter how hard we tried to explain that we had nothing to do with Satan, they put their fingers in their ears and went 'Nananana' — they said we were bad for the children. Now all the magazines in Finland are printing LORDI masks for children! There's not much logic going on inside. But let's face it, people are stupid."


Zveřejněno: Pátek, 9. června 2006

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LORDI - vydají 31. ledna 2020 u AFM Records nové album "Killection", jež má být fiktivní kompliací... ... [Pátek, 11. října 2019]
LORDI - vydají 26. července u AFM Records nové DVD "Recordead Live - Sextourcism In Z7". ... [Středa, 12. června 2019]
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Vyhledat LORDI na webu Metalopolis